Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Another Maeve Day - 16th December 2015 - Maeve has put together donations for people in need and is on the look out for opportunities to spontaneously brighten someone's day!

Today is another Maeve Day. I missed marking the last one due to infernal busyness, sickness and associated general discombobulation. I was very sad about that but there wasn't much I could do about it.

This month I’ve been racking my brains trying to think of something I can do with my Maeve cards that won’t break my Christmas-ravaged bank balance. And I’m coming up empty for the first time. I hadn’t realised how much I had been depending on being in a position to buy stuff or donate money until I realised that this month I actually couldn’t. Does anyone have any ideas on how to plan to help people for free? I could just be missing the obvious but I’m coming up empty.

So I filled my wallet with Maeve cards and I’m on the hunt for people I can help on the spot. I also took some time to go through my wardrobe and possessions and put together boxes to donate to various charities and charity shops in Maeve’s name, and I put together a box of books I can take to waiting areas in hospitals as I have been in hospital quite a bit over the last few years and have always been really grateful for donated books I sometimes found there, especially when on a ward that had no Wifi or 3G, which I almost always rely on for amusing myself.

I have some posts I need to write concerning peoples' receiving and giving in Maeve's name - my personal circumstances have made it difficult to keep up with those and so apologies for not being more consistent, I can but try my best and help in my small way to keep her name alive and spoken : Maeve

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